Reducing your Carbon Footprint
Water Conservation
Water, Water, Everywhere!
It is easy to dismiss the notion of having to conserve water in Florida, especially when we are surrounded by it. Tampa is a beautiful city and we, as residents of South Tampa, are very fortunate to have the Bay as a resource. But, water, like all our natural resources, is finite and we should endeavor to conserve our precious drinking water resource as much as possible.
City of Tampa Outdoor Watering Restrictions in Effect:
Mandatory Outdoor Watering Restrictions went into effect on December 1, 2023 to comply with the Modified Phase I Water Shortage Order declared by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), our state's regulatory agency for our region. Additionally, all wasteful use of water, like hosing down driveways or impervious surfaces, is prohibited. These restrictions also apply to Hillsborough county.
Until further notice, irrigation is limited to 1 day a week. Watering days are based on the last number of your house address. Please visit to learn more and to find your watering day.
Why do we have a water shortage?
The region received lower than normal rainfall during its summer rainy season and currently has a 7.4-inch regional rainfall deficit between March 2023 and February 2024 and we need to have conservation methods in place to build back our reserve. In addition, water levels in the region's natural resources, such as aquifers, rivers, and lakes, are beginning to decline. The Tampa Water Department is seeing an increase in water demand through the service area. In September 2023, customers were using an average of 84.6 million gallons a day (MGD), compared to 80 MGD in September 2022.
Due to the increase in demand and lack of rainfall, the Tampa Water Department purchased water from Tampa Bay Water, our region's wholesale water supplier. Residents of Hillsborough County, including the City of Tampa, have their water supplied by an agency known as Tampa Bay Water. This organization is “a non-profit, special district of the State of Florida created to plan, develop and deliver a high-quality drinking water supply.” The agency determines that “Water demand projections show the Tampa Bay region will need an additional 10 million gallons of drinking water per day by 2028. Conservation can reduce water demands and delay the need for Tampa Bay Water to build new water supplies.”
Tampa Bay Water has many functions, one of which is to protect and conserve our water. To this end, they practice environmental stewardship, offer rebates and tips for water conservation efforts through the Tampa Bay Water Wise program. For more information on:
Residential and Commercial Rebates
Water saving tips
Watering restrictions
Water conservation resources
Please visit Tampa Bay Water's website and the City of Tampa’s website. Both have information on rebates and retrofitting.
Tampa Bay Community Water Wise Awards Program:
This program is designed to recognize attractive, water-conserving landscapes in various water-use sectors, for example homes, businesses, industry and government. The program also seeks to identify actual examples of outstanding Florida-Friendly, Water Wise landscaping and to promote those principles within the community.’
For information on how to apply for the Tampa Bay Community Water Wise Award program in 2024, go here.
Energy Conservation
According to, "Solar energy is the fastest growing and most affordable source of new electricity in America. As the cost of solar energy systems dropped significantly, more Americans and businesses have taken advantage of clean energy."
A Great (Renewable) Resource
Solar United Neighbors (SUN) is a vendor-neutral 501c3 non-profit organization that brings Hillsborough County homeowners together into a group, or co-op to help people go solar. SUN provides unbiased, installer-neutral support through each stage of the process of going solar. Co-ops take advantage of the group’s bulk-purchasing power to get discounted pricing and a quality installation. SUN is partnered with Hillsborough County, the city of Tampa and others.
SUN exceeded their 150 member goal for 2023. The Hillsborough 2024 co-op round has been extended so that more people can join. Registration closes on July 1st.
If you are considering installing a solar system, here are a couple of reasons that it might be a good time to do so:
Hurricane season is approaching and it's predicted to be a doozy this year. When paired with a battery, solar + storage can be a source of stability and security in a neighborhood after a storm, on top of 25 years of savings so folks can invest the savings into their home and families.
The Florida Public Service Commission is holding public hearings for the Tampa Electric Company's (TECO) application for rate increases in June in-person in Tampa and virtually! This will be the first public local in person in 10 years! So higher power bill prices are ahead. With solar, you can control your expenses for decades by making your own electricity on your roof.
Virtual Hearings will be held Monday, June 10 at 6:00 p.m. and Tuesday, June 11 at 2:30 p.m. The in-person Hearing will be on Thursday, June 13 at 10:00 a.m. Interested customers can follow this link for more information and to register for the in-person and virtual service hearings.
Got questions? Email SUN at
Resource List:
Food Waste Prevention Week April 7-13, 2025:
City of Tampa’s Solid Waste/Compost:
City of Tampa, UF/IFAS Extension Office Composting and other Workshops:
Seminole Heights Community Gardens:
Suncoast Compost:
DART/SOLO Next Life Take Back Program:
Publix Sustainability/Recycling:
Starbucks Reusable Cup program:
Reduce Your Use Pledge!
Household Hazardous Waste:
City of Tampa’s Solid Waste/Recycling Programs:
Green America:
Dress for Success:
One World Running:
21 Things You Didn't Know You Can Recycle:
H&M Sustainability:
Recycling textiles:
How to Host A Clothing Swap Party:
Tampa Bay Water:
City of Tampa, Water Department:
Tampa Bay Community Water Wise Award program:
Hillsborough 2024 Solar Co-op: