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5G Towers in South Tampa
What is the problem?
5G towers have begun to pop-up all-over Tampa in residential neighborhoods, far away from any busy roads, commercial properties, or areas of public gatherings. The homeowners are receiving no notification before a 5G tower is installed in the “right-of-way”/their front or side yard (if corner lot). This means in some properties, a 5G tower could be as close as 15ft-20 to your home. There are many other states and municipalities that have ordinances in place that require 5G poles to be at least 500 meters (1,650ft) from a residential property or school!
Why is this allowed?
In 2017, The Advanced Wireless Infrastructure Deployment Act was signed into effect at the state level. It essentially gave complete and unrestricted access to our right-of-way (easements) to the telecommunication companies to install 5G where they see fit. Our city council members and local elected officials are unable to do anything as they must adhere to this state legislation. Many of our local officials have voiced their own concerns on the matter but they are handcuffed by this state legislation.
Why are we concerned about 5G?
Lack of Restrictions:
In other states and municipalities around the country, there are restrictions in place as for the placement of these 5G towers. In Florida, they have virtually none. We need restrictions modeled after these states/municipalities that protect our property, our families and our neighborhoods.
Part of the legislation allows for fair competition amongst providers. Multiple telecommunication providers are in the process of installing these towers around South Tampa. There are multiple competitors installing towers near each other to compete with one another. We do not want “gardens” of 5G towers in our yards as they compete for our business. Similar to how there are CVS by Walgreens and Burger Kings next to McDonalds.
5G emits high frequencies but only travel a small distance. 5G towers are effective at a range of 500ft-1000ft. Eventually we will be either littered with these towers OR a monopoly will take effect where we are forced with the provider with best coverage in our neighborhood.
These are residential neighborhoods within city limits not busy commuter areas, areas of public gatherings, or a rural area lacking High Speed options. We are home, using our home (current) WiFi. They want to drive new business to their home 5G services that are being pushed all most major cell phones provides regardless of impact to homeowners. We need restrictions that push these towers to commercial and business districts (much like the current tall 4G towers have had to adhere to).
Department of Homeland Security has noted several risks of Cybersecurity amongst other risks.
It is known within the City of Tampa that there are areas of outdated and undersized power supplies coming into homes. These poles will take away additional power from homes that are already potentially have an undersupplied power source. The telecommunication companies should be required to ensure the additional draws of power to these new poles will not impact the surrounding neighbors and if so, take financial responsibility to upgrade the corresponding transformers. If not required, this cost would be at the expense of our energy companies and passed along to the consumers.
Property Value:
City of Tampa was allowed to ban them from installation on Bayshore Blvd because it’s a “scenic route”. We admit here we know they are an eyesore to our neighborhoods, homes and city. They do not belong in ANY of our beautiful residential neighborhoods.
Sign the petition, help us reach our goal of 1,500 signatures.
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Rezoning Bayshore Boulevard
Miami-based developer The Related Group, has proposed a plan to build a 317 feet tall, 42 unit, 26 floor, 275,000 square foot high-rise condominium tower on 1.43 acres at 2713 Bayshore Boulevard on the waterfront property. Read more.